REALTORS: 6 Ways to Up Your LinkedIn Game - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips
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REALTORS: 6 Ways to Up Your LinkedIn Game

LinkedIn isn’t just a "set it and forget it" resume and job posting site. It’s a social media platform for building business relationships, and marketing strategist Marc Gordon has a few tips to help brokers make the most of it.
  1. Maintain Your Profile. Sounds simple enough, but this step is often forgotten. Keeping your personal profile up-to-date is essential because you never know who will see it — possibly a potential client or a fellow real estate pro looking to give a referral. Maybe an agent you’re trying to recruit is seeking more information about you and your brokerage. Gordon says make sure your profile is fully filled out, and that your profile picture is current, warm, yet professional.
  2. Create a Company Page. If you don’t have one already, it’s time to set up a company page so that buyers and sellers can learn more about your brand. Set goals for your page, such as recruiting new agents, serving as a resource for consumers or driving leads back to your website, then target your updates to that audience. Take advantage of LinkedIn's analytics to learn what's working and what isn't.
  3. Become Active in Groups. There are many real estate groups on LinkedIn, which are great places to connect with other industry professionals. “This will allow you to keep current with both industry trends and current issues of the markets you serve,” Gordon says.
  4. Engage With Your Connections. Someone asks you to connect on LinkedIn, and you accept, but then what? Try sending them a note of appreciation and a quick introduction. Comment on your connections’ posts, and start posting professional thoughts and updates yourself. “If you have an idea, a different point of view, or something worth mentioning pertaining to your industry, I encourage you to share your thoughts on LinkedIn,” says Gordon.
  5. Do the Inviting. When you reach out to another member to connect, a personal note can go a long way, Gordon says. “Mention people you may both know, an industry event you both attended, or just that you think there may be some opportunities to work together,” he says.
  6. Publish articles and videos. Be the expert you are and write or record original content that offers advice, tips, or ideas for clients, other brokers, or agents depending on the topic. Think like a journalist to make your narrative more compelling. This keeps your profile or your business page active, which can attract new connections, Gordon says, and it also offers an avenue for demonstrating your real estate expertise.
—Erica Christoffer, REALTOR® Magazine Source: "How to Get The Most Out of LinkedIn" (March 1, 2017)

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